Requirements for Recording and Certification
Purebred Mini Jersey Society is an OPEN Herd Book. This means, that if your Mini Jersey meets the requirements, even if they, their sire or dam, were never registered, you may apply. If you aren’t sure if your cows qualify, contact us. Let’s talk about it. It’s our desire to identify and record the purest Mini Jerseys in the PMJS Herd Book. The PMJS Breed Standard is public. It’s our hope it will be referred to and utilized by anyone breeding a Mini Jersey.
Membership in Purebred Mini Jersey Society is required to Register cattle in the PMJS open Herd Book.
How To Register Printable Checklist
How to Register Video Walkthrough
Genomic Testing Requirements
Registration requires genomic testing, and results are recorded with Purebred Mini Jersey Society. Genomic testing* with BBR85+ must be provided and made available to Members through Purebred Mini Jersey Society before a permanent registration certificate will be issued. (You may block out a physical or mailing address.) The price for testing of females is currently $47 for the LD 100k test. The Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) charges an additional $100 fee for Mini Jersey bulls born in the USA to utilize the test. There is a less expensive route for bull owners. To learn more, visit the Go 4 the Gold! page.
The registration number issued by the American Jersey Cattle Association (AJCA) is recognized by the CDCB and USDA as a tracking number for each individual animal to issue Health Certificates and federally regulated disease testing (tuberculosis, brucellosis, etc.). Bulls collected for artificial insemination can also use the National Association of Animal Breeders (NAAB) stud code found on the AI straw.
Proof of Negative Dexter Cattle BD1/Bulldog Dwarfism/Chondro testing* from UC Davis is required for registration. Either a copy of testing from both parents or a copy of testing can be provided for the animal being recorded. This test is $30 as a stand-alone and less if ordered in the DNA/A2/Diagnostic Package from the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory at UC Davis.
Registration Flow Chart

Gold, Silver, Bronze, Black and Rose Gold Certificates Explained
Gold Herd Book Registration
BBR94+ and 42″ or less = Gold Herd Book Registration
A permanent GOLD Certificate is awarded for Purebred Mini Jerseys:
– Over three years old
- Conforms to Breed Standard
– Breed Based Representation 94+ (You may block out a physical or mailing address.)
– Proof of height at or below 42″
– Proof of negative Bulldog Dwarfism/Chondro status
Gold Registered Mini Jerseys are truly THE Gold Standard and have full Herd Book Registration status.
Gold Bulls will be registered for FREE.
Silver Herd Book Registration
BBR90-93 and 44″ or less = Silver Herd Book Registration
A permanent SILVER Certificate is awarded for Purebred Mini Jerseys:
– Over three years old
– Proof of height below 44″ and Breed Based Representation 90+ (You may block out a physical or mailing address.)
– Proof of negative Dexter Cattle Bulldog Dwarfism/Chondro status
Silver Registered Mini Jerseys are approximately one generation away from Gold Registration. When bred to Gold registered Mini Jerseys they would likely produce offspring that meet the requirements for Gold Registration upon reaching their third birthday.
Bronze Herd Book Registration
BBR85-89 and 45″ or less = Bronze Herd Book Registration
A permanent BRONZE Certificate is awarded for Purebred Mini Jerseys:
– Over three years old
- Conforms to Breed Standard
– Proof of height below 45″ and Breed Based Representation of 85 to 89 (You may block out a physical or mailing address.)
– Proof of negative Dexter Cattle Bulldog Dwarfism/Chondro status
Bronze Registered Mini Jerseys are approximately two generations away from Gold Registration. When bred to Gold Registered Mini Jerseys they should produce calves that meet the requirements for Silver Registration upon reaching their third birthday.
Black Registration Certificate
BBR85+ and under 3 Yrs = Black Registration Certificate
A temporary Black Certificate is awarded for Purebred Mini Jerseys:
– Under three years old
- Conforms to Breed Standard
– Proof of BBR85+ (You may block out a physical or mailing address.)
– Birth height of 24″ or less
- Proof of Negative Dexter Cattle Bulldog Dwarfism/Chondro status
– Expires 90 days after the third birthday (120 days for Lifetime Members)
Upon reaching their third birthday, and providing a Height Verification Form, the Black Certificate can be exchanged for FREE for a Gold, Silver, or Bronze Certificate, if all requirements are met.
Verified Breeding Stock Certificate
BBR80-84 and under 45″ or BBR85+ and 45.25″ – 48″ = Verified Breeding Stock Certificate
Cows and heifers must meet all other requirements for registration with the exception of either BBR80-84 or height to the top of the hip of 45.25″ to 48″. This establishes a new bloodline and increases genetic diversity in the gene pool. These animals are not registered with PMJS but will be used in a Purebred Mini Jersey breeding program. Bulls are not eligible for Verified Breeding Stock Certification.
A permanent ROSE GOLD Certificate is awarded for PMJS Verified Breeding Stock with a waiver for either height or purity:
– Over three years old
- Conforms to Breed Standard
– Height Verification Form
– Proof of BBR80-84 with a waiver for purity (must be under 45″ in height)
– Mature height of 48″ or less with a waiver for height (must be BBR85-100)
- Proof of Negative Dexter Cattle Bulldog Dwarfism/Chondro status
– Parental Verification DNA match may be required
Reference Only
Unregistered, BBR84 and below = Reference Only
If your cattle do not meet the minimum requirements, we encourage you to contact us about working with them as a developing bloodline. In many situations, this can lead to future offspring being registerable.
– Added as “Reference Only” so all offspring can be linked within the Purebred Herd Book
- Not required to conform to Breed Standard
– Not required to have a height below 45″ or Breed Based Representation (BBR) of 85 or above
– Proof of negative Dexter Cattle Bulldog Dwarfism/Chondro status is preferred
– May be tightly line-bred or in-bred
– Cannot contain Bos Indicus derived varieties, such as Zebu
We’re happy to provide your cattle with a free online profile so their registered offspring within the PMJS Herd Book can be linked.
Purebred Mini Jersey Society, LLC, reserves the Right to Refuse Service at any time. Any Member found to be falsifying Registration, Recording or Certification information will have their Membership revoked and ALL Certificates issued to them for ALL cattle bred or Registered by them may be suspended and found null and void. No refunds will be issued for revoked Memberships or voided Registrations or Certificates. All information provided to Purebred Mini Jersey Society, LLC, may be used by the Society for marketing in print or social media.