Meet the PMJS Board
Lorinda Barnes, PMJS President & Registrar
North Woods Homestead, Idaho

Lorinda and her husband, Lance, own North Woods Homestead, llc, in Idaho. Wanting to know where their food was coming from, they bought two bred Jersey cows in 2012 and dreamt of Spring calves and fresh Raw Milk for their family. The dream expanded into a passion for pure little Jerseys.
Lorinda and three generations of her family homestead on 60 acres in the northern Rocky Mountains. They produce grass hay for their growing herd of Purebred Mini Jerseys. She’s a Master Gardener, cans their harvest, homeschools her grandson, and of course, makes lots of dairy products.
She’s the founder of PMJS and a leading voice in utilizing genomics and DNA for breeding Purebred Mini Jerseys.
PMJS Board of Directors 2025
Sarah Milcetic, VP & Director of Web Services
Better With Thyme Farm, West Virginia

Sarah Milcetic and her husband, Peter, started Better With Thyme, a holistic farm located in Shepherdstown, WV, after relocating from NYC to the eastern panhandle of West Virginia. As a young couple in the city, neither imagined they would become farmers (he was an accountant and she was a website developer).
The journey to farming began with their first child, whose reactions to the food they were eating made them want to distance themselves from the industrial food system. After realizing their child could safely eat chicken eggs from their backyard hens, they began to wonder about adding milk back to their diet. After several failed trials with milk from local farms and more reactions in their second baby, the idea went to the back burner and 8 years went by with a dairy-free family diet.
When they saw Mini Jersey cows in person at a fair they never looked back. Their first heifer came home in 2018, and since the whole family thrives on their cows’ raw A2/A2 milk the growing herd has become an integral part of the farm.
Hannah Isaacson, Secretary
Isaacson Acres, Georgia

Hannah is married to her best friend, Ben, and they have three kids. She’s the leader of her children’s homeschool group and a women’s leader at her church. She loves being outdoors, working in her garden, and making wholesome food. They jumped at the chance to live in a rural area when Ben got an opportunity for a new position at work. They left Utah for 38 acres in northwest Georgia and fell in love with the landscape and the community.
After a lot of research to find their perfect family milk cow, Hannah was left confused by the varying information about Miniature Jersey cows. Finding PMJS it was a true blessing! The Isaacsons brought home two Midsized Jersey heifers and are expecting their first calf in February. She’s excited about this new adventure of working toward a herd of Purebred Miniature Jersey cows.
Miranda Johnson, Treasurer
Crooked Smile Acre, Idaho

Miranda Johnson knows homesteaders! In her Executive Staff volunteer position for the not-for-profit, National Ladies Homestead Gathering, she’s tasked with establishing chapters. Miranda talks to women across the United States about their journey that led to the desire to connect with other homesteaders. She’s mastered building community and many of the tech resources available for that purpose. She spent countless hours on her grandparents’ homestead where they raised beef and chickens alongside a Jersey family cow. Now, Miranda lives with her husband and son in the original log cabin on a historical homestead in North Idaho.
Tracy Howe, Canadian Liaison Director
Mother Howe’s Little Cows, Ontario, Canada

Tracy Howe is the oldest of three children and grew up in Saskatchewan on a mixed farming operation. Of all the family farm endeavors, cattle were always her passion. She worked in the cattle industry in many capacities, including commercial livestock hauling, on feedlots, in auction barns, and as a veterinarian assistant while raising her children. In 2010 Tracy and her husband, Wally, returned to cattle ownership. He runs a small beef herd. The dairy and Miniature cattle are “her thing” and she operates Mother Howe’s Little Cows. She’s been instrumental in starting the Canadian Miniature Jersey Association.
Wally and Tracy recently relocated to Northwestern Ontario where they make hay for their cattle, garden, and do almost everything as a team. Tracy is also known for her amazing baking skills, especially pies and large batches of bread from scratch. She’s skilled at cheesemaking and utilizing the gallons of milk supplied by her herd.
Marie Tieleman, Director of Communications
Ever Green Acres Farm, Alberta, Canada

Marie was born and raised in the Netherlands and has a varied background. Her experience spans psychotherapy, Human Resources, working at a variety of farms and dairies, and rehabilitating troubled horses and dogs. Marie is a skilled cheesemaker, sourdough baker, and inventive cook who is inspired by historical food traditions from around the world.
She relocated to Central Alberta, Canada, with her partner, Edwin, in early 2018 to start their homestead on 80 acres. Edwin works as a software developer from home while Marie operates the farm. With the help of Kate, Marie’s best friend and right hand, she makes hay for their cattle and produces much of their own food, including making dairy products, harvesting all their own meat, and tending the large vegetable garden. Maremma Sheepdogs guard the livestock, including Miniature Jerseys, Galloway cattle for beef, dairy goats, horses, Kune Kune pigs, meat rabbits, and a variety of poultry.
Kyla Shay, Director of Education
Be Where They Aren’t Ranch, Florida

Kyla and her husband, Gary Krosin, reside at Be Where They Aren’t Ranch, near Stuart, Florida. Gary’s dream of BWTA, was a bit different than Kyla’s. She had spent decades managing her Lupus and multiple auto-immune allergies. Despite their backgrounds as Medical professionals, conventional medicine failed to improve Kyla’s quality of life. She wanted to turn the clock back 100 years concerning their diet to improve their health.
She comes from a family of North Dakota farmers who all raised dairy and beef cattle. Fifteen years ago, in search of fresh real milk for its healing abilities, Kyla found a breeding pair of Miniatures Jerseys while Gary was away. They were the perfect fit for the goal to produce all their own food that is free of GMOs, preservatives, and pesticides on their twenty-acre homestead.
Kyla keeps busy year-round with three acres of raised bed gardens, over 100 fruit and nut trees in addition to a 1-acre hydroponic garden. She averages three full crops a year. Cows, horses, goats, dogs, cats, and grandkids reside on the same property. They’re putting their science backgrounds to work making the farm produce a better quality of food and life for all of them.
Open Positions; Community Director, Financial Director, Marketing Director, and Committees to support the mission.
Board & Volunteer applications can be submitted HERE.