

Mini Jerseys are first and foremost dairy cattle.  So, why are so many of them composed of dairy and beef breeds?  It’s easy to use American Aberdeen, Galloway, or Dexter to reduce height but it comes at the expense of dairy traits.  In over 30 years Mini Jerseys haven’t moved away from crossbreeding.  It’s time to look to the future and breed back to proven purity.  

The Purebred Mini Jersey Society wants to connect Mini Jersey owners who breed for pure Jersey traits in their Mini Jerseys.  Working together we can identify and utilize the purest genetics.

Breed Toward Purity

Registration isn’t limited to Mini Jerseys who are already 100% pure.  We have to start where we are.  This cute heifer was only 90% pure when her DNA was tested for Breed Based Representation (BBR).  With the help of the Purebred Mini Jersey Society, you can test your cow and choose bulls to advance each generation to pure Jersey genetic traits.  Cows under 94% BBR can be utilized as Breeding Stock with Silver, Bronze, or Black Registration.

Will you join us on our next monthly class?