It’s a common misconception that dairy cows should look emaciated. In this post learn how to evaluate body condition of a dairy cow and why body condition is so important for the cow and her calves.
We stand on Proven Purity!
It’s a common misconception that dairy cows should look emaciated. In this post learn how to evaluate body condition of a dairy cow and why body condition is so important for the cow and her calves.
Have you seen “BBR” on some Mini Jersey website or ads and wondered what it means? Breed Based Representation is a fairly new term to the Mini Jersey market, though the technology has been widely available for over a decade. Breed-specific markers in an animal’s DNA are used to verify that the reported breed matches the animal’s actual breed.
Having zero cow experience prior to purchasing our first milk cow in 2022, we were excited to hear that there was such a thing as a mini dairy cow! That excitement was quickly dampened by the fact that reputable breeders are few and far between. After deciding on Purebred Mini Jerseys for our personal needs, we quickly found the Purebred Mini Jersey Society and connected with one of the breeders and board members.
Hi! I’m Becky, the co-owner of Mini Mosaic Acres and PMJS Lifetime Charter Member. I’ve had a milk cow for as long as I can remember, a Jersey specifically. I have a […]
I’m often asked, “Should I buy a proven cow in milk and bred back or a young heifer calf?” In my experience, there isn’t a correct answer to this question. […]
You may have read on some breeder’s websites that Mini Jerseys can not be “Purebred.” That’s not only misleading, it’s 100% FALSE. The biological definition of Purebred genetics is simple, offspring […]
When I started refining my breeding goals it was always with the assumption that everyone was breeding Mini Jerseys to be miniaturized Jerseys. What else could “Mini Jersey” mean? Many […]