It’s impossible to always tell how well bulls will reproduce quality offspring until they’re tested; however, the trained eye can guess with approximate certainty as to the general character of the offspring. Genomic testing is a valuable tool and should never be overlooked. In this post, learn how to choose a breeding bull.
Should you get a Jersey cow?
Hi! I’m Becky, the co-owner of Mini Mosaic Acres and PMJS Lifetime Charter Member. I’ve had a milk cow for as long as I can remember, a Jersey specifically. I have a […]
What’s In My Filter?
Filtering the daily milk is an important step in your milk processing. Even under the strictest milking practices, unwanted particles can make their way into your milk. By promptly filtering […]
Utilizing Standard Jerseys in Breeding Purebred Mini Jerseys
Taken from “Reducing Stature” at Demand Exceeds Supply In shopping for a Mini Jersey you’ll soon learn there are very few true miniaturized Jerseys available. You’ll also learn that the high […]
To Start with a Cow or Heifer; Which is Right for You?
I’m often asked, “Should I buy a proven cow in milk and bred back or a young heifer calf?” In my experience, there isn’t a correct answer to this question. […]
How A2 and Polled Genetics Work in Breeding Mini Jerseys
I’ve been a member of many Facebook Mini Jersey and cattle groups over the last few years. I’ve seen a lot of questions from new breeders asking how to breed […]
The Importance of the PMJS Mentorship Program
I am an avid supporter of having a solid, trustworthy mentor. I am speaking about home dairying here, but having a mentor in most areas in life can be crucial […]
What is a Purebred Mini Jersey?
You may have read on some breeder’s websites that Mini Jerseys can not be “Purebred.” That’s not only misleading, it’s 100% FALSE. The biological definition of Purebred genetics is simple, offspring […]
Why Dual Register?
There are deficits in each of the Mini Jersey Registries currently available to us. PMJS strives to correct these issues and hold ourselves to the highest standard by requiring testing […]
Long Time Coming
When I started refining my breeding goals it was always with the assumption that everyone was breeding Mini Jerseys to be miniaturized Jerseys. What else could “Mini Jersey” mean? Many […]