When managing and handling miniature cattle, you often need specialized equipment. One essential piece of gear to keep everyone safer is the halter, and MiniCattleSupply.com has perfected this tool to […]
Author: Lorinda Barnes, PMJS President, North Woods Homestead, ID
Selecting the Ideal Purebred Mini Jersey Bull for Breeding

Selecting the right Purebred Mini Jersey bull is crucial for maintaining and improving herd genetics.
Testing for PMJS Registration

Have you been trying to understand the process to register with PMJS? It’s true, it’s unlike what you may be familiar with. If you ever get stuck in the registration process, we’re always here to help you through.
What Does BBR 100 Mean?

Have you seen “BBR” on some Mini Jersey website or ads and wondered what it means? Breed Based Representation is a fairly new term to the Mini Jersey market, though the technology has been widely available for over a decade. Breed-specific markers in an animal’s DNA are used to verify that the reported breed matches the animal’s actual breed.
Utilizing Standard Jerseys in Breeding Purebred Mini Jerseys
Taken from “Reducing Stature” at PurebredMiniJerseys.com Demand Exceeds Supply In shopping for a Mini Jersey you’ll soon learn there are very few true miniaturized Jerseys available. You’ll also learn that the high […]
What is a Purebred Mini Jersey?
You may have read on some breeder’s websites that Mini Jerseys can not be “Purebred.” That’s not only misleading, it’s 100% FALSE. The biological definition of Purebred genetics is simple, offspring […]
Why Dual Register?
There are deficits in each of the Mini Jersey Registries currently available to us. PMJS strives to correct these issues and hold ourselves to the highest standard by requiring testing […]
Long Time Coming
When I started refining my breeding goals it was always with the assumption that everyone was breeding Mini Jerseys to be miniaturized Jerseys. What else could “Mini Jersey” mean? Many […]