Genetic Traits, Genomics, And Disease Testing of Dairy Cattle
Presented by Lorinda Barnes, North Woods HomesteadClass ResourcesBlog: Testing for PMJS RegistrationTesting ResourcesClass HandoutReplay
We stand on Proven Purity!
Presented by Lorinda Barnes, North Woods HomesteadClass ResourcesBlog: Testing for PMJS RegistrationTesting ResourcesClass HandoutReplay
Presented by Sarah Burton, Sabbaticus FarmClass ResourcesReplay
Class ResourcesArticle: Buying & Selling StockBlog Post: My Mini Jersey Buying ExperienceClass Handout: Coming Soon!ReplayPresented by: Lorinda Barnes, North Woods Homestead
Breeding by Artificial Insemination is easier and safer than keeping a bull on most family farms and homesteads. Learn where to find an AI Tech, how to order Purebred Mini […]
Genomics has been used by Jersey breeders since 2007. Learn how to read the acronyms and have definitions for the unfamiliar terms. An understanding of the Genomic Evaluation Report will help you utilize genomics for apple-to-apple comparisons, read bull stats, determine your breeding goals, and decide who your best cattle are before they're in milk.Presented by: […]
PMJS board members will have a booth at the festival, which includes 25+ knowledgable industry speakers, demonstrations with skilled artisans and 200+ homestead related vendors, plus food vendors, a children's area and live music at lunch and each night.