Genetic Traits, Genomics, And Disease Testing of Dairy Cattle
Presented by Lorinda Barnes, North Woods HomesteadClass ResourcesBlog: Testing for PMJS RegistrationTesting ResourcesClass HandoutReplay
We stand on Proven Purity!
Presented by Lorinda Barnes, North Woods HomesteadClass ResourcesBlog: Testing for PMJS RegistrationTesting ResourcesClass HandoutReplay
Presented by Sarah Burton, Sabbaticus FarmClass ResourcesReplay
Class ResourcesArticle: Buying & Selling StockBlog Post: My Mini Jersey Buying ExperienceClass Handout: Coming Soon!ReplayPresented by: Lorinda Barnes, North Woods Homestead
Breeding by Artificial Insemination is easier and safer than keeping a bull on most family farms and homesteads. Learn where to find an AI Tech, how to order Purebred Mini […]